Maryborough Community House Inc. was established originally as Maryborough East Community House in 1982 to provide a facility that offered opportunities for local groups and individuals, particularly isolated women, to meet together and participate in a range of activities.
Maryborough Community House is a not-for-profit community-based organisation governed by a Committee of Management made up of local community members, service users and local groups.
Day to day Management is provided by a small group of part-time staff members with volunteers providing operational support. Maryborough Community House operates within a community development framework and aims to meet community needs through community building activities, providing services and education programs.
We hope you find something inside that inspires you.
Share your passion! If you have a skill or special area of expertise come and talk to us about how you can share it — we’d love to hear from you and running a class may be easier than you think!
A little about us. We are a Community House originally started by the Maryborough residents in the early 1980’s. We are an Incorporated, not-for-profit organisation, dedicated to community development, education and training. Governed by a volunteer Committee of Management, we are funded by the Department of Human Services.
We are one of more than 400 Neighbourhood and Community Houses in the state and over 1000 nationally. We are supported by our state peak body, ‘Neighbourhood Houses Victoria’ (NHVic) and our national peak body, ‘Australian Neighbourhood Houses and Learning Centres Association’(ANHLC).
Neighbourhood Houses and Learning Centres provide a diverse and constantly evolving range of positive social, health, educational, and economic outcomes for individuals, families, and communities; particularly for those experiencing disadvantage. We are proud that our Community House is a warm and friendly place to be, where everyone is welcome.
Jeannie and the Team
Mission Statement:
Maryborough Community House connects people through activities for the benefit of people within our community.
Purpose Statement:
- Community Ownership:
To set, manage and control the direction, resources, decision-making and processes of the Maryborough Community House. - Community Participation:
To recognise that everyone has a valuable contribution to make and to facilitate community members to join in at any level. - Empowerment:
To put into practice a process which respects, values and enhances people’s ability to have control of their lives. - Access and Equity:
To ensure equitable access for people of all abilities. To promote fairer access and distribution of economic resources and power between people. - Life Long Learning:
To develop the value of Life Long Learning by building and supporting the personal skills, knowledge and abilities of people. - Inclusion:
To accept and value the diverse contributions that people make and to be sensitive to their individual needs and culture. - Networking:
To link, form partnerships, collaborate and work with individuals, groups, other agencies, government, business and charitable organisations. - Advocacy:
To act with and on behalf of community members to ensure that their individual or group needs are met. - Self Help:
To come together in a supportive group environment to share information, knowledge, skills and life experiences in order that each participant can develop their full potential.